W.I.T.C.H. Wiki

Mr. Riddle is an elite psychic detective that was brought in to combat the Guardians; when their supernatural secret was exposed to the government.


Riddle is sarcastic and smug, caring little for the inconvenience of others or their trampled pride. He becomes angry; when people think they deserve things more than him; such as a job mission. At such points, he lashes out with his powers to completely humiliate his opponent.[1]

Riddle is a "cultured" man, with interests in music and arts, being a great fan of the composer Raymond Fieldenstein.[1]



Riddle was an agent in Interpol, working in Jeffrey Brooke's supernatural division. He was a psychic investigator who did many missions for Brooke and had his complete trust. However, even though Riddle had the psychic powers that should have proven to their higher ups that supernatural people existed and could be put to good use, he wasn’t enough. To solve this, Brooke called in another supernatural detective, Raphael Sylla, to investigate strange happenings and find him more subjects.[2] Sylla discovered W.I.T.C.H. and began tailing them, looking for clues of what their abilities were. Though Sylla ultimately had to confront the girls directly and reveal his true nature, he got the proof Brooke needed.[3]

Riddle was in Brooke's office during his phone call with Sylla, discussing his finds and their plan to launch Operation: Round up.[4]. Despite all of Sylla’s hard work, Riddle was the one put in charge of capturing W.I.T.C.H. and bringing them into their department.

Riddle launched a more intensive investigation than Sylla, using a team of spies and high-tech equipment. Riddle quickly realized that W.I.T.C.H. used the home of “Rebecca Rudolph” as a base and while they were away, he sent agents to bug the house. However, “Rebecca” turned away everyone, no matter their claims of being telephone repairmen or plumbers. Annoyed by this, Riddle joined his team in trying to use microphones to hear the discussions inside the house. However, a "strange interference" was surrounding the house and preventing their equipment. With no other choice, Riddle tried to use his psychic powers to hear into the building but was interrupted by loud music blasting from the house next door. Sylla’s agents were annoyed by it though Riddle scolded them for not recognizing the beautiful piano song as a sonata by acclaimed pianist Raymond Fieldenstien (who was the one blasting the music). As the neighborhood came out to investigate the music, Riddle feared their truck being found and they left, not knowing Orube had already discovered them.[1]

Brooke needed to discuss Sylla’s findings but feared Nora Frieser’s spies in their department. He decided they should meet in the public setting of the Heathfield Amphitheater inauguration and sent Riddle to give Sylla the invitation. When Riddle arrived to Sheffield Institute, he overheard Sylla being dismissed from his cover a teacher for W.I.T.C.H. Calling the agent outside, Riddle handed him Brooke’s invitation to speak. However, Riddle’s power let him sense W.I.T.C.H. trying to eavesdrop on the conversation while invisible, and he hustled the confused detective away in the van. Once at a safe distance, he explained of the spies listening to them. Sylla didn’t believe him, so Riddle waited until later that evening and took him to the home of Irma Lair in his van. They tapped her phone lines and picked up on the conversation she and Will Vandom were having; they discussed Sylla’s meeting with his boss and their intention to be there. Sylla, afraid of this development, declared they should stop the meeting though Riddle saw it as an opportunity to catch W.I.T.C.H. Riddle mocked him for being scared of these "little girls" and while Sylla declared the girls were powerful, Riddle was confident he could face off with them at the meeting. Seeing Sylla’s confusion, Riddle informed him that Operation: Round Up would now begin and that, unlike what he thought, Riddle was the one in charge of the operation. For that reason, they would continue the meeting with Brooke and capture W.I.T.C.H. there. Sylla was furious that such big decisions were being made without him, believing he had a right to capture the girls after all the work he'd done. Riddle denounced this claim, attacking Sylla with his psychic powers to display how weak he truly was compared to Riddle. He declared Sylla would have to accept his new role of being their bait, whether he liked it or not. Riddle informed Brooke of his plan to capture W.I.T.C.H. at the amphitheatre and the director agreed to it. [1]

Riddle set up agents all around the building, as well as other preparations. These agents informed Riddle when W.I.T.C.H. and “Rebecca” arrived and he took this information to Brooke who congratulated his plan. However, Brooke was displeased that Sylla had not arrived and feared the rogue agent might mess up their goals. Riddle deployed the agents to escort W.I.T.C.H. away for quieter capture, but the Guardians already knew it was a trapped and escaped the agents with ease. Riddle went after Will and though he lost her for a moment, he captured what he thought was the girl (though was actually her Astral Drop). He put his captive under his mental control and directed her to follow him out to the parking lot. They were met by Brooke who praised Riddle for his work and was glad to have captured at least one of the targets. A helicopter came to pick them up and Riddle commanded “Will” to fall asleep as they loaded her into the helicopter. At this point, the rest of the Guardians came to get their friend and Riddle held them back by telekinetically throwing a car door at them. He revealed to them all that he was a Scanner and warned them to stay away. W.I.T.C.H. didn't back down and an enraged Taranee Cook threw pure fire his way, startling the man who didn't know her powers were so strong. Seeing he might be outmatched, Riddle signaled for Interpol's armed forces to hold the girls back while he and Brooke escaped in the helicopter with their captive, not knowing the real Will helped her friends take down their army.[1]

Riddle and Brooke took “Will” to their secret laboratory where they hooked her into a machine meant to scan for special powers. However, the drop had nothing, leaving them confused. Riddle declared that her powers her likely not natural, recalling what Taranee had done and suspecting those abilities were magical instead. At that moment, Sylla broke into their lab followed by detectives Medina and McTiennan, as well as Nora Frieser herself. Riddle called his former ally a traitor, though the man defended Riddle and Brooke backstabbed him first by trying to take credit after Sylla had done the dirty work. Riddle watched as Medina freed "Will" and McTiennan kept a gun on Brooke while Frieser confronted her rival about kidnapping an innocent girl for his own purposes. Friezer warned Riddle against trying to get into her mind and Brooke agreed the agent knew bullets were faster than thoughts. Proving this, Riddle took his own gun from his secret holster and pointed it on Frieser, locking the group in a deadly stalmate.[1]

At this point, the Oracle - having watched everything - decided he had to intervene and whisked the whole group to Kandrakar. He greeted them in the Hall of Nothingness, removed their weapons, and explained why he had brought them all to this new dimension. Through a viewing crystal, Riddle identified a visual of the play happening at the amphitheater inauguration, to which the Oracle praised him as a cultured man. The Oracle used the play as a metaphor for their own action, using and deceiving one another until a Deus ex Machina must step in to solve everything. Such an idea frightened the group but the Oracle assured he was no high being and his only method to stop the fighting was to use a memory erasing spell. he Oracle erased the memories of the whole group (minus Astral Will); they would no longer have any memories of what they learned about W.I.T.C.H. After that, he sent them all to their homes where any evidence of their meetings with the Guardians would also be gone.[1] It is unknown what Riddle or any of the others did after having their current investigations erased as none of them were seen or mentioned again.

TV series[]

In the TV series, he appears alongside Raphael Sylla, setting up his role in the planned 3rd season. Raphael Sylla refers to him as "Mr. R".

The two appear driving in the snowy street, when noticing a huge screen with a "cartoon" which was actually the Guardians fighting an empowered Lord Cedric hidden by a glamour zone, and Mr. Riddle became intrigued by "this cartoon" and declined Raphael's idea of leaving to watch the whole fight.

After ending winter break, Raphael went undercover to Sheffield Institute as a new computer teacher and there met the girls.



Riddle declares himself a “Scanner” though does not explain what this means. He possesses strong mental abilities of mind control and telekinesis. His powers also allow him to sense the presence of others who are invisible and eavesdrop though walls. He must have concentration when using his powers or else they will fail.[1]

Though he is very confident in his mental powers, he also knows how to be prepared and carries a gun which he hides in his sock holster.[1]


Images of Mr. Riddle.

